Pullman Regional Hospital


annual report 2024

Cost of Care & Price Estimation Tool

Price Estimation Tool

We are committed to transparency and that includes hospital pricing information. With our easy to use, online Price Estimation Tool, you can get a rough idea of your out-of-pocket costs for many of our most common services.  This can help you to plan before your treatment or procedure and concentrate on getting well. 

You will need to have your health insurance policy information in order to receive an accurate estimate for our services. Following a series of questions, you will receive a price estimate that you can print and bring with you to the hospital to help guide conversations. 

Price Estimation Tool - Pullman Regional Hospital Transparency

Try the Price Estimation Tool


Patient Price Information

Patient Price Information - Pullman Regional Hospital Transparency

View list of patient prices


Charge Master (CDM) Information

Charge Master CDM  - Transparency at Pullman Regional Hospital

View Charge Master CDM


Reimbursement Rates 

The Center for Medicare & Medicaid and commercial insurance companies do not pay the hospital the charges we submit, but rather a predetermined amount based on the Diagnostic Related Group or DRG. Typically, Medicaid reimbursement to Pullman Regional Hospital is approximately $0.50 cents on a charge of $1.00, and commercial insurance is approximately $0.70 cents.

The difference between our average price and what Medicare/Medicaid or commercial insurance pays Pullman Regional Hospital cannot be charged to the patient. Pullman Regional Hospital must "write-off" this amount. Over the last several years, Pullman Regional Hospital's average uncompensated care when taking into account changes in the coverage for Medicaid totaled nearly $17,500,000.


Safety & Infection Prevention

Pullman Regional Hospital is committed to providing the highest level of safety for patients. To see Pullman Regional Hospital's ratings, satisfaction scores, and quality metrics, visit medicare.gov's comparison tool.

Patient Safety - We apply the Institute of Medicine's patient safety recommendations, the National Patient Safety Goals, our Philosophy of Care, technological advances, and current "best practices" to continually seek to improve our patient care processes. Two significant areas of patient safety are medication administration and infection prevention. While Pullman Regional Hospital does an exceptional job of preventing errors, our ultimate focus is to eliminate both hospital acquired infections and medication errors.

Medication Safety - Medication administration is one of the most important and complex systems in hospitals.  Pullman Regional Hospital takes medication safety very seriously and is dedicated to utilizing technology to reduce human error.  Automated medication dispensing machines reduce the opportunity of choosing the wrong medication.  Bar-code scanning is used to ensure the right medication and dosage are administered to the right patient at the right time. This technology uses other important information in the electronic medical record to prevent medication errors from occurring. As part of our ongoing efforts related to patient safety, we track and trend our percentage of bedside medication verification completed through scanning of medications and patients armbands for proper identification. Our average is greater than 96% which demonstrates our ongoing efforts in this area.

Infection Prevention - Pullman Regional Hospital is committed to reducing and eliminating infections acquired during hospitalization and continues to demonstrate low rates. 


Patient Satisfaction

Pullman Regional Hospital is a 5-star hospital as ranked by HCAHPS patient satisfaction measures (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid). We are consistently recognized at a state and national level for high patient satisfaction ratings. Our high quality of care and high satisfaction by our medical and hospital staff members contribute to overall satisfaction by our patients.

For information on Pullman Regional Hospital's HCAHPS scores and how the hospital compares to other hospitals in Washington state go to www.wahospitalquality.org . Click on ”Compare Health Data.”


Our Commitment to Transparency & Safety

Our hospital is dedicated to monitoring the safety of our patients and staff and the care provided. Since 2005, Pullman Regional Hospital has implemented an internal monitoring process aimed at ensuring ongoing quality and safety of care. An administrative team is on call to provide staff support and be alerted to any unexpected event occurring at the hospital. As part of Pullman Regional Hospital’s policy on Organizational Transparency and Disclosure, an unexpected event is defined as any occurrence which: 

  • Is defined by law as a sentinel event, and/or
  • Uncharacteristically utilizes resources (staff, supplies, equipment, etc.), and/or
  • Involves significant additional staff, and/or
  • Involves multiple outside agencies/groups, and/or
  • Has a significant emotional impact on the patient, family, or staff, and/or
  • Is a medical error resulting in temporary or greater harm


Annual Reports, Policies, & Forms