Women's Wellness

This coffeehouse style conversation, facilitated by a healthcare professional, provides participants with access to facts, information about current trends in healthcare, and connects attendees with Pullman Regional healthcare professionals and community health partners. This event series is open to all. All Women's Wellness events take place at the Coast Hilltop Inn, 928 NE Olsen St. in Pullman, WA.
Palouse Discovery Science Center

Read into Wellness

Pullman Regional Hospital’s Center for Learning & Innovation has partnered with Neill Public Library to promote health literacy in the community through a program called Read into Wellness.
Each month, a new health and wellness themed title, recommended by the Network of the National Library of Medicine is available to check out at Neill Public Library. Find new monthly featured titles at Neill Public Library located at 210 N Grand Avenue in downtown Pullman.
Coffee Club

Coffee Club offers to fill your cup with kindness. Renew, connect, and build new friendships with others. Bring your cup and join our monthly meeting! Coffee Club occurs on the 2nd Friday of every month at 10:00am at the Pullman Regional Hospital Library.
Email noel.nicolai@pullmanregional.org or call (509) 336-7404 for more information.